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go_far_calculator [2023/12/06 14:09] labadmingo_far_calculator [2023/12/07 11:14] (Version actuelle) labadmin
Ligne 2: Ligne 2:
 ======  Good Outcome Following Attempted Resuscitation (GO-FAR) Score to Predict Neurologically Intact Survival After In-Hospital Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation  ====== ======  Good Outcome Following Attempted Resuscitation (GO-FAR) Score to Predict Neurologically Intact Survival After In-Hospital Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation  ======
 Original paper: Ebell et al Original paper: Ebell et al
Ligne 9: Ligne 8:
 Check each condition present on admission to the hospital to calculate total score and probability of survival. Check each condition present on admission to the hospital to calculate total score and probability of survival.
-{{url>, 500}}+ 
 +<script type="text/javascript"> 
 +function checkCalcul(me) 
 +  var score=0; 
 +  var select = document.getElementById("age"); 
 +  var valeur = select.options[select.selectedIndex].value; 
 +  if (valeur == 'choix1'{score = score + 0; pronostic(score);
 +  else if (valeur == 'choix2') {score = score + 2; pronostic(score);
 +  else if (valeur == 'choix3') {score = score + 5; pronostic(score);
 +  else if (valeur == 'choix4') {score = score + 6; pronostic(score);
 +  else if (valeur == 'choix5') {score = score + 11; pronostic(score);
 +  var listeChoix = document.getElementsByName('options[]');  
 +  for (var i=0, liste = listeChoix.length; i < liste; i++) { 
 +   if (listeChoix[i].checked) { 
 +     if (listeChoix[i].value=='1') {score = score -15; pronostic(score);
 +     else if (listeChoix[i].value=='2') {score = score + 10; pronostic(score);
 +     else if (listeChoix[i].value=='3') {score = score + 8; pronostic(score);
 +     else if (listeChoix[i].value=='4') {score = score + 7; pronostic(score);
 +     else if (listeChoix[i].value=='5') {score = score + 7; pronostic(score);
 +     else if (listeChoix[i].value=='6') {score = score + 7; pronostic(score);
 +     else if (listeChoix[i].value=='7') {score = score + 6; pronostic(score);
 +     else if (listeChoix[i].value=='8') {score = score + 6; pronostic(score);
 +     else if (listeChoix[i].value=='9') {score = score + 5; pronostic(score);
 +     else if (listeChoix[i].value=='10') {score = score + 4; pronostic(score);
 +     else if (listeChoix[i].value=='11') {score = score + 4; pronostic(score);
 +     else if (listeChoix[i].value=='12') {score = score + 1; pronostic(score);
 +    }  
 +  } 
 +  pronostic(score); 
 +function pronostic(score) 
 +  if (score == 0) { 
 +   document.getElementById('messageScore').innerHTML=""; 
 +   document.getElementById('messagePronostic').innerHTML="<a href='_media/prediction0_english.jpg' target='_blank'><img src='_media/prediction0_english.jpg' style='top-221px!important;' class='graph'></a>"; 
 +   }  
 +   else if (score >= -15 && score<= -6) { 
 +     document.getElementById('messageScore').innerHTML="<b>GO-FAR score: "+ score; 
 +     document.getElementById('messagePronostic').innerHTML="<b> Probability of survival to discharge with good neurologic status following CPR for in-hospital arrest (CPC 1) above average: 27.8% <a href='_media/prediction4_english.jpg' target='_blank'><img src='_media/prediction4_english.jpg' class='graph' alt='Probability of survival to discharge with good neurologic status following CPR for in-hospital arrest (CPC 1) above average: 27.8%'></a>"; 
 +   }  
 +   else if (score >= -5 && score <= 13) { 
 +   document.getElementById('messageScore').innerHTML="<b>GO-FAR score: "+ score; 
 +   document.getElementById('messagePronostic').innerHTML="<b>Probability of survival to discharge with good neurologic status following CPR for in-hospital arrest (CPC 1):Average 9.2% <a href='_media/prediction3_english.jpg' target='_blank'><img src='_media/prediction3_english.jpg' class='graph' alt='robability of survival to discharge with good neurologic status following CPR for in-hospital arrest (CPC 1):Average 9.2%'></a>"; 
 +   else if (score >= 14 && score <= 23) {   
 +     document.getElementById('messageScore').innerHTML="<b>GO-FAR score: "+ score; 
 +     document.getElementById('messagePronostic').innerHTML="<b>Probability of survival to discharge with good neurologic status following CPR for in-hospital arrest (CPC 1):Low 9.2% <a href='_media/prediction2_english.jpg' target='_blank'><img src='_media/prediction2_english.jpg' class='graph' alt='Probability of survival to discharge with good neurologic status following CPR for in-hospital arrest (CPC 1):Low 9.2%'></a>"; 
 +   } 
 +   else if (score >= 23) { 
 +     document.getElementById('messageScore').innerHTML="<b> GO-FAR score: "+ score; 
 +     document.getElementById('messagePronostic').innerHTML="<b> Probability of survival to discharge with good neurologic status following CPR for in-hospital arrest (CPC 1): Very low &lt;1% <a href='_media/prediction1_english.jpg' target='_blank'><img src='_media/prediction1_english.jpg' class='graph' alt='Trobability of survival to discharge with good neurologic status following CPR for in-hospital arrest (CPC 1): Very low &lt;1%'></a>"; 
 +   }  
 +<style type="text/css"> 
 +.graph { 
 +  float: right;  
 +  position: relative;  
 +  height: 188px; 
 +  margin-bottom: -188px; 
 +  top: -259px; 
 +  width: 490px;  
 +@media screen and (max-width: 1020px) { 
 +  .graph { 
 +    float: none; 
 +    position: initial;  
 + display: block; 
 + margin-bottom: 0; 
 + width: auto;  
 + height: auto; 
 +  } 
 +<br /> 
 +Patient's age: 
 +<select id="age" onClick="checkCalcul(this)"> 
 +<OPTION>-- Select age group ---</OPTION> 
 +<option value="choix1"> less than 70  </option> 
 +<option value="choix2"> from 70 to 74 </option> 
 +<option value="choix3"> from 75 to 79 </option> 
 +<option value="choix4"> from 80 to 84 </option> 
 +<option value="choix5"> more than 85 ans  </option> 
 +<br><b>PROTECTIVE FACTOR</b><br> 
 +<label><input type="checkbox" name="options[]" value="1" onClick="checkCalcul(this)" />  
 +Intact neurologically or low neurological deficit at admission</label><br> 
 +<br><b>RISK FACTORS</b><br> 
 +<label><input type="checkbox" name="options[]" value="2" onClick="checkCalcul(this)" /> Major trauma</label><br> 
 +<label><input type="checkbox" name="options[]" value="3" onClick="checkCalcul(this)" /> Acute stroke</label><br> 
 +<label><input type="checkbox" name="options[]" value="4" onClick="checkCalcul(this)" /> Metastatic or hematologic cancer </label><br> 
 +<label><input type="checkbox" name="options[]" value="5" onClick="checkCalcul(this)" /> Septicemia </label><br> 
 +<label><input type="checkbox" name="options[]" value="6" onClick="checkCalcul(this)" /> Medical noncardiac diagnosis </label><br> 
 +<label><input type="checkbox" name="options[]" value="7" onClick="checkCalcul(this)" /> Hepatic insufficiency</label><br> 
 +<label><input type="checkbox" name="options[]" value="8" onClick="checkCalcul(this)" /> Admission from a skilled nursing facility </label><br> 
 +<label><input type="checkbox" name="options[]" value="9" onClick="checkCalcul(this)" /> Hypotension or hypoperfusion</label><br> 
 +<label><input type="checkbox" name="options[]" value="10" onClick="checkCalcul(this)" /> Renal insufficiency or dialysis </label><br> 
 +<label><input type="checkbox" name="options[]" value="11" onClick="checkCalcul(this)" /> Respiratory insufficiency </label><br> 
 +<label><input type="checkbox" name="options[]" value="12" onClick="checkCalcul(this)" /> Pneumonia</label><br> 
 +<div id="messageScore"></div> 
 +<div id="messagePronostic"><a href='_media/prediction0_english.jpg' target='_blank'><img src='_media/prediction0_english.jpg' style="top: -221px!important;" class='graph'></a></div> 
 +<p style="float: right; position: absolute; right: 35px;"> Image: Icon Array</p> 
 +<form action="" method="post"> 
 +<p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Clear all"></p> 
 ^ Definitions of Predictor Variables<sup>a</sup>                                                                 ^^ ^ Definitions of Predictor Variables<sup>a</sup>                                                                 ^^
/home/wikidecision/public_html/data/attic/go_far_calculator.1701889791.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2023/12/06 14:09 de labadmin

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